FX Information

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1.  What is Forex?

Answer.     Forex is a trade of international Currencies-
                     Largest financial market in the world with daily trades of
                     over 5 Trillion People.

2.  Forex market timing?

Answer.     Market is open 24/7, 5 Days a week.
                     No trading on Saturday and Sunday.

3.  Top 5 Currency's Pairs.


4.  Top Commodities?

Answer.      Crude oil , Gold , Silver , Coper.

5.  What is PIP?

Answer.     4rth digit to the right of the decimal is a PIP.
                     For Example = 1.4431  ....   (1) is called PIP.

6.  What is Pair?

Answer.    (EUR/USD) ... this is Pair of currency.

7.   Pair===>   GBP/USD=1.4232

                 (GBP) is a Base Currency of pair. (USD) is a Quote Currency in Pair. And (1.4232) is
                  a Ratio of Pair.

8.  Orders Types?

Answer.    "Instant Executive Orders"
                   1.Buy,   2.Sell

                   "Pending Orders"
                    1.Sell Limit , 2.Buy Limit , 3.Sell Stop , 4.Buy Stop , 5.Trailing Stop

9.   "Understanding of Forex prices".

Answer.    Two different price Quoted in the Forex Market.

                   1. Bid ...> Price you Sell at,
                   Traders will always Sell at lower price (Bid).

                   2.Ask ...> Price you Buy at,
                   Traders will always Buy at higher price (Ask).

 ====>      The different between Bid and Ask Prices is called (PIP Spread) , this is your
                   cost of business and broker's money become there is often no commission is FX.

10.  What is influences prices?

Answer.    1. International trade

                   2. Investment Flow

                   3. Equity and bond markets

                   4. Economic and political conditions
 ====>           Interest rates inflation,political stability some time instability that causes
                       daily price volatility.

11.  What is (SL) and (TP)?

Answer.   (SL) stands for "Stop Loss" Limit,  and  (TP) stands for "Take Profit".

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